Sheldon's Ramblings
The SR71 and photography. From Butterflies to Blackbirds!
Brian Shul Butterflies to blackbirds SR71

While growing up in Ireland, I had a favourite uncle, George, who lived in America. He was 54 years old when I was born but lived for a further 53 years. George was a fascinating man in all respects. He had studied aircraft engineering under the man who made the engine for the Wright brothers plane, moved in all aspects of American society and knew Edsel Ford (Son of Henry) personally. Involved with aircraft all his life he regaled me with fascinating stories of aircraft during his trips back home in the 70's. One story was of the Lockheed SR71...
The Epson Surecolor P900 has arrived

How have you survived the lockdown?

Photographers Mark Nixon and Peter Cox had some great ideas for their businesses during the lockdown.
Black & White to colour!

Who is ZOOMing Who?
Damsel Fly Zoom Judging Zoom Training